现在招聘! Explore a Career at 全国最大的彩票平台. 观点的机会
Stop worrying, increase your machine reliability, and reduce downtime all at once.

Stop worrying, increase your machine reliability, and reduce downtime all at once.

Next to people, your machines are at the heart of your business. You know how devastating it can be to a critical job when a machine goes down unexpectedly. Especially if it happened because someone skipped an inspection or forgot to change the oil. 想要停止担忧? Protect your investment and reduce downtime by taking a proactive approach to maintenance. We are here help you with:

  • Seamless transition from 小松 CARE
  • Convenient preventative maintenance programs
  • Scheduled inspections
  • 监控
Seamless transition from 小松 CARE

Seamless transition from 小松 CARE

You welcomed the free 小松 CARE 2,000-hour preventative maintenance package when you purchased your Tier 4 machine because it gave you peace of mind. Now you’ve graduated off 小松 CARE. But with many more machine hours still ahead, you don’t want to lose that and risk costly downtime. 那么你能做什么呢? You can slide right into an equivalent preventative maintenance program with us. Choose from three levels; our top level is exactly like 小松 CARE. You can enjoy uninterrupted care for as long as you like. 

Convenient preventative maintenance programs

You’ve heard the old adage ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. Nowhere is this more applicable than busy machines. So, you understand the value of preventative maintenance. Can’t spare the manpower or shop space? 没问题. You can wash your hands of this worry when you’re busy with job and customer deadlines. We can provide you a quote on the spot in as little as five minutes. We have the parts, we have the service, we’re ready to go.

Scheduled inspections

During Preventative Maintenance, our 全国最大的彩票平台 trained and certified technicians complete 50-point walk around inspections of your machine—including important safety related items. This way, repairs that need to be completed are brought to your attention immediately. To smoothly integrate into your work schedule and operations, 全国最大的彩票平台 will call ahead to schedule a maintenance visit at your convenience.


As a machine operator, you know not all potential problem items are visible externally, so watching their internal health is important too. No worries: we take samples of fluids every 500 hours for analysis and monitoring. 例如, 小松石油 磨损分析(KOWA) Oil Sampling to monitor wear characteristics, 发现趋势变化, and detect potential contaminant problems.

小松石油 & 磨损分析(KOWA)

Analyzing engine oil and other fluids is the best way to look inside a machine’s engine and powertrain. It can help you identify trends and make informed repair and maintenance decisions.
小松油 & 磨损分析(KOWA) program allows you to pinpoint and solve equipment problems by providing a full range of information on both the lubricant and the machine that can support your operations and maintenance decisions.

KOWA uses highly reputable, independent laboratories across Canada to ensure that you are provided with an unbiased appraisal of the condition of your equipment. KOWA’s testing facilities are ISO accredited to ensure the highest degree of accuracy and confidence. Oil analysis results are compared to 小松 guidelines to eliminate any guesswork.
KOWA is your best defense for proactively maintaining your equipment.

  • ISO accredited independent labs for objective results you can trust
  • Results compared to 小松 guidelines to eliminate guesswork
  • Identify minor problems before they become major failures
  • Maximize asset reliability/availability
  • Reduce life-cycle costs (extend component life)
  • Prioritize repairs based on machinery condition
  • Better informed reselling and purchasing decisions

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Serving You Coast-to-Coast

With locations to serve you across Canada and Alaska, 全国最大的彩票平台 is your local equipment and solutions provider.

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